Forgotten PC password

How to start your computer when you've misplaced your password

Posted by Paul Hochman on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 1:18 PM

Dear Paul: HELP! I forgot my PC password. What can I do to start my computer? - indio087

Dear Indio:
I’ll get to the answer in a moment. First, I have to ask: are you the guy who took my laptop in the Denver airport last month? If so, please do not read any further. I had Windows XP Home Edition loaded on my laptop, and all you’ll have to do to see my embarrassing high school yearbook pictures is

ANSWER is : 

1) Turn on your computer.

2) Immediately press the F8 button at the top of your keyboard

3) Select “Safe Mode”

4) Go into your User account and change or simply write down your password.

The solution is similar in Vista-loaded PC’s. Check out this Windows Vista Forum page for help.    Read More